Transfem/Women Circle

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Part 1 of 2. Jaysa wants to make the server 18+ but Oliver wants to include minors.

Transfem/Women Circle is a Discord Server created on Feb 27 2024 by the lesbian leaders Jaysa, Loran, Okuu and Iesua. Moderators include Vivi (God of all things), Zhenya, Sharp, Kira

Former moderators include Oliver, Sky,Phi (Autistic Philospher), Kira There also used to be a Minecraft Server associated here called "Transcraft". A popular fictional trans woman in the server is Bridget from Guilty Gear.

The Transfem/Women Circle Discord Server has the following channels.

In the Info Category there is rules, announcements, roles, intros, welcome, bump. In the hidden to staff only "Staff" category there is mod-updates, staff-chat.

In the General category there is general, art, games, music, politics, the hidden to Known Fembers only "known-fembers" channel, the hidden to Lesbians Only "lesbians-only" channel, the hidden to Plural people "plural-only" channel, not-english, religion-and-spirituality, and the voice channel general-vc.

The Trans category has the following channels: flags, joy, vent, questions.

The Fun category has the following channels: memes, uwu, meow, blahaj, femme-fishing. The Transcraft category has the following channels: mc-general, mc-info.

The NSFW category has the following channels: yuri, nsfw-general and the voice c hannel nsfw-vc.

The Tickets category has the following channels: ticket-log, make-a-ticket. These are functions from the Yet Another General Purpose Discord Bot YAGPDB where users are able to submit tickets concerning certain users or cases that all with the Mod role and above are able to see.


The Resources category has the following channels: calendar, trans-help, transfem-help, energency. Lastly, due to the annoying fact that Discord required all Community Servers to have 7 channels that allow minors, in the scenario where a minor does join the server they are greeted to 7 empty channels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 each containing the following message from [[Jaysa|Jaysa's]] account.

Former Permissions Hierarchy

Permissions Hierarchy

:JSA: Server Creators

🌸Mods: Can kick/ban members

🪽 Valkyries: Can time out members.

🆗 Fember: Can send pictures, videos, attach files, etc.

🆕 New Fember: Cannot send pictures, videos, attach files, etc.

Server Listings


Welcome to the Transfemme/women Circle!


Rules Baseline: Please follow Discord's Terms of Service ( and Guidelines (

18+ ONLY she — 02/28/2024 8:46 AM


This is a transfem/women ONLY space. Only join if you are a trans woman, transfem, non-binary woman, demigurl, genderfluid, multigender, feminine-aligned, woman-aligned, librafeminine, paragirl, girlflux, two-spirit, or any other gender that involves ANY amount of femininity or womanhood.

1: Treat server members and anyone not in our server with respect and good faith understanding.

Cyberbullying, arguing in bad faith, passive aggressiveness, stereotyping, gaslighting, etc. are not allowed or okay.

2: Have civil debates without continuous, repetitive, or severe negative comments .

The goal of debates/discussions in this server is to learn something new, expand and/or strengthen your beliefs, and healthily connect with others. Therefore, please refrain from strawman and "gotcha" arguments. Have good faith and don’t refer to others as evil or untrustworthy.

3: No name calling, invalidating others, or giving unfair and mean criticisms,

Toxic, threatening, inappropriate, and illegal behaviors are absolutely NOT allowed or tolerated and will lead to a timeout, kick, or ban, depending on the severity.

They are listed below:

    Asking for donations in the server or through member DM’s

    No sending cyptocurrency (ex: bitcoin) trading requests in the server or through member DM's.

    Death threats, threats of violence, and threats to harm others

    Doxxing, including yourself

    Brigading or raiding other servers or people's DMS (especially if they have been banned)

Glorifying suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders (You are allowed to talk about the topic of suicide, but please do not post messages where there's actual plans in which the method of suicide is detailed.)

Posting gifs/videos that display flashing/strobing more than 3 times per second without censoring or warning

Threatening self-harm to manipulate

Sharing real media depicting gore, excessive violence, or animal harm

Perpetuating misinformation

Organizing, promoting, or supporting violent extremism

Disrupting the peace or general “vibes” of the server

Choosing roles that do not apply to you to gain access to channels that are not for you

Distributing or providing access to content involving the hacking, cracking, or distribution of stolen goods, pirated content, or accounts

Nazi imagery, dogwhistles, and support in messages, DM’s, profile picture, name, banner, About Me, etc. will result in an immediate ban.

No using banned words from the banned word list

Begging to be moderator or a “community spokesperson” especially in dm’s to mods and admins.

Unsolicited invite links to servers. Please ask before sending them.

Lying about your age, for any reason, will get you banned. If you joke about actually being a minor, you will be banned. Please do not share content from this server that’s not meant for minors to minors. Absolutely no content that sexualizes minors in any way shape or form.


6 Keep discussions to the appropriate channel and practice channel discipline.

Please use common sense and ask if there is ever uncertainty. For controversial or otherwise triggering content, please use Discord's spoiler feature to hide it (like this) and/or take the content to the appropriate channel.

If other people, especially mods, tell you to move to a different channel, move to a different channel. No real life porn, but hentai and erotica is allowed as long as it's in a NSFW chat. No NSFW profile pictures or banners since those are public to Discord


7 Do your best to communicate your thoughts and intentions clearly, ask for clarification, and indicate your tone when necessary.

No passive-aggressive statements. Tone indicators are highly encouraged to help avoid miscommunication, as text does not include physical or vocal clues like in-person communication. If English is not your first language, please tell us so we understand if there is a tonal miscommunication

Examples: /s = sarcastic. /j =joking. /hj=half-joking. /g or /gen=genuine. /srs = serious. /lh=light hearted. /nm=not mad.

You can also use entire words or use parenthesis, ex: (jk). Even emojis work as tone indicators.


8: No trolling, including spamming, starting a raid, and spoiling.

Just stop. It's not funny, and you are only making yourself look foolish.


9:  Mods are entirely free to warn, time out, kick, or ban if your behavior is disrupting the peace or making others uncomfortable, regardless if it is explicitly stated above.

Please @ping a mod if you see rule-breaking, and do not assume that the mods allowed something to happen because we didn't see it.


10: Please do not block mods.

3 Warnings = Ban. Warnings eventually go over over time.

Types of Account Restrictions Due to Scammers, Bots, and Trolls

New members are under stricter regulations due to trolls and immediate rule breakers.  We are more lenient with members who have contributed without incident. If you ping or DM random people when joining the server, you may be considered a possible bot and be kicked. Immediately trying to send attachments like .jpg, .png, .mov, etc. when joining is not allowed and can be considered suspicious.

No ban evasion. If you've been banned from this server on one account, using another alt account to try to regain access will result in that account also being banned. Discord also flags users for "Engaged in suspected spam activity" and "Sent excessive DMs to non-friend server members in last 24 hours" which will make us further suspicious of you. Also, if Discord hides your message(s) with "...message hidden from likely spammer"

If you have a GoFundMe link in your profile description, you will be banned.

We do not want collabs or help with the server. If you are here only for that, kindly leave. No purposely impersonating users

The server being created.


The server was created on February 27th 2024 alongside the Transmasc/Men Server by Oliver. Originally it was Oliver's idea to make the two servers since Oliver was transmasc and Jaysa had just recently come out as transfem around December 2023 last year. The server creation date was around the time [[Jaysa]] was trying to get Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), though she eventually got it. Later, the 18+ Lesbian Hentai Discord Server was created as a more NSFW focused branch, porting over the same hundreds of lesbian flag roles.

The Pluralphobia Drama

Transfem Rue acted pluralphobically towards [[Jaysa]], Iesua, Okuu and Loran, blaming all of them when only some of them were only. Rue eventually apologized and they were forgiven.

Oliver however, in partnership with Phi (Autistic Philospher), tried to stop Iesua from giving Rue a warning. Iesua did jt anyways and the situation was resolved, Lake of Fire, though a cisgender women, even joined the server to help calm things down. However this would be only the first of tensions.

Part 2 of 2 Jaysa wants to make the server 18+ but Oliver wants to include minors.

The Minors Drama

Originally [[Jaysa]] wanted to make the Transfem/Women Server 18+ due to the horrors of theThe Old CU and also to match the[redacted] However, due to diplomatic and technical connections, such as the Transcraft Minecraft server, Discord announcement channels and so forth, [[Jaysa]] was forced to allow those 12+ to go on the server. However, a minor on the server was DMed IRL nudity from a server member. This was immediately reported to Discord and they were promptly banned with [[Jaysa]] and Loran quickly making the server 18+ only, kicking out all minors. They were able to do what they couldn't do in The Old CU.

However, making the server adult-only had greatly upsetted both Phi and Oliver. Due to other drama surrounding The Old CU, such as Oliver trying to kill [[Jaysa]] by making her homeless, [[Jaysa]] completely went no contact from both Oliver and Phi, banning them both due to evidence that arose from the Oliver (Frost the Fascist) PDF Document.

The John Smith Drama

John Smith is an Anti-LGBT Nazi Pedophile Groomer who has sexually exploited multiple children, including server member WWQuar who was 16 at the time of the abuse. After multiple raids around August 12th 2024, a report was sent to the Cyber Authorities in order to investigate him.

ChristUR Wiki is for those who are 18+ only. We are LGBT+ Affirming. All of ChristUR Wiki is free to use. "Matthew 10:8 NRSVue You received without payment; give without payment." dōrean elabete dōrean dote δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε δωρεὰν δότε