TDW’s Response to Gay Video

TDW’s Response to Gay Video
On September 1st 2024 Jaysa obtained a screenshot from one of the moderators which shows that TDW made some half-hearted response video where they take sections of the original expose video and comment over it.
Our Commentary to the Commentary
What’s interesting about this video is that at timestamp 2:43 “one criminals actions does not define an entire organization”, is interesting since they admit that there is at least one criminal inside of their organization.
In the comment section, you can see what appears to be John Smith’s Youtube account. The issue is that John Smith himself is a high ranking official in the TDW. Imagine if one CEO were to be a pedophile for an entire organization? Wouldn’t that be a massive scandal?
In this come back they don’t provide any screenshots of their own. Rather, they just provide an unrelated generic gameplay clip over the commentary. As well, the commenter continually uses the “R slur”.
0:10 what the [ __ ] is this piece of 0:14 [ __ ] right now I'm addressing some 0:16 serious allegations that have been 0:18 thrown out around Timmy deser waterer or 0:21 TDW I mean normally we'd prefer to say 0:24 out of this kind of drama but the 0:25 accusations are so absurd that they 0:27 deserve to be set 0:28 straight let's break these down one by 0:32 [Music] 0:36 one first up there are claims that Yuri 0:39 the rock is some sort of Nazi dictator 0:41 in Waiting this is this accusation is 0:44 like entirely baseless there is 0:46 absolutely zero evidence that Yuri has 0:48 ever enacted Nazi policies during his 0:50 government roles the only thing he's 0:52 guilty of is participating in a Roblox 0:55 group has a form a role playing in his 0:57 free time and that's about it profile 1:00 someone based on their hobby especially 1:01 without context isn't only unfair but 1:05 like extremely 1:07 [Music] 1:12 misleading next we have allegations at 1:15 tdw's propaganda Ministry some has been 1:18 like fabricating screenshots and 1:20 spreading false information DW 1:22 propaganda Ministry is a branch 1:24 dedicated to providing lies slander and 1:26 deceit when it comes to attacking those 1:29 who expose their horrible cult I mean 1:31 let's be clear there's absolutely zero 1:34 evidence to support this claim moreover 1:37 let's be honest what's what's the 1:39 possible benefit of the propaganda 1:40 Ministry of a Roblox Community would 1:43 gain from these actions it's important 1:45 to know that TDW wasn't planning to 1:47 respond until your slanderous video was 1:49 released attacking the community without 1:51 any substantiated proof these 1:53 accusations are not only untrue but like 1:56 completely unnecessary 1:59 [Music] 2:04 moving on there's a particularly serious 2:06 and distributing allegation that TDW is 2:09 a pedophilic ring her findings seven 2:11 distinct Nazi pedophile branches each 2:14 their own server let me be really 2:16 [ __ ] clear so you guys can hear this 2:19 there's not a single shred of evidence 2:21 to suggest that TDW as a community is 2:23 involved in anything of this nature this 2:25 is not only a basis claim but it's 2:28 literally defamatory 2:30 only a dribbling idiot will be able to 2:33 make these claims with a straight face 2:35 to put this into perspective consider 2:38 the case of yared Fogle and Subway I 2:41 think I think we're all aware of this 2:42 case one individual's criminal actions 2:45 do not Define an entire 2:47 organization similarly it is 2:50 irresponsible and just plain [ __ ] 2:52 dangerous to make such a slanderous 2:54 accusation against the community without 2:55 any 2:56 proof like let's be honest only a [ __ ] 2:59 would make those kinds of of [ __ ] 3:00 allegations and 3:02 [Music] 3:06 [ __ ] another claim suggests that Discord 3:09 is somehow collaborating with us the 3:11 horror Discord was contacted regarding 3:13 these Nazi pedophiles yet they have 3:15 refused to take action multiple emails 3:17 were sent out to the support team of 3:19 discord's moderation staff of which they 3:21 were all ignored discord's response 3:23 wanting to maintain a positive vibe 3:26 revolting this too is entirely baseless 3:29 and just sounds like almost a parody of 3:30 an accusation ddw has never had any 3:33 direct contact with Discord except for 3:35 the termination of accounts related to 3:37 it the idea that TDW has some secret 3:40 partnership with Discord is pure fiction 3:42 there is no evidence to support any of 3:44 these claims it's almost like you guys 3:46 are trying to find things to try to 3:48 defame our Public Image with it's it's 3:51 like completely absurd real [ __ ] 3:54 [Music] 4:00 lastly the allegations that TDW members 4:02 are rapists bro this is like the most 4:05 [ __ ] [ __ ] I ever heard there's 4:08 literally zero absolutely zero no 4:10 evidence to suggest that the group as a 4:13 whole is involved in these activities 4:15 zero evidence no no no screenshots of of 4:18 photos nothing there's nothing no videos 4:20 no nothing to accuse an entire Community 4:23 Based on allegations against one 4:24 individual is not only illogical but 4:26 it's actually just formed using this 4:29 logic should we assume that everyone 4:31 associated with any organization where 4:33 one person has faced allegations is 4:35 guilty [ __ ] no because it doesn't fit 4:38 your agenda this type of reasoning is 4:41 just dangerous and 4:43 [Music] 4:47 nonsensical the allegations made against 4:49 CDW are not only false they're [ __ ] 4:53 Reckless let's be honest these claims 4:55 are damaging and they need to stop 4:58 immediately if these def atory videos 5:00 are not taken down and this and if this 5:03 smear campaign continues aist and assist 5:06 will be issued and legal action may fall 5:09 spreading baseless accusations is a 5:11
serious matter that's all see yeah
Comment Section Users
Comment Section
13 days ago
its THEORIZED this video is spreading groomer and pedophilic hate, this is completely unacceptable and I fear for MY and other QUEER'S safety
13 days ago
They are just speaking out non-sense stuff which are very obviously made up whit no evidence. This video is W and shows how based can TDW be, hail Volny Blok!
13 days ago
9/10 video no subway surfers or family guy clips to satisfy short attention span
12 days ago
Gem alert!
13 days ago
Nooo!!!! You can’t take legal action against us for spreading random lies about your whole community
13 days ago
A video with actual facts unlike theirs, hail Volny Blok!
13 days ago
My parents fighting again.

13 days ago
common TDW w, the gays are all talk
12 days ago
And we dont even need to bot comments!

12 days ago
Peak post
12 days ago
This is awesome, the vid is perfect. A
13 days ago
Hail Volny Blok
13 days ago
Hail volny
8 days ago
loool so evil.........
13 days ago
A bit off topic but isn't this the same community that not so long ago as a year or a yr & a half ago, were advertising servers with individuals who held ultra-nationalist/nazi/ethnic ideas?
13 days ago
13 days ago
@JohnnySmith557 yeahhh I'm pretty sure
13 days ago
@nar2cc And I am also pretty sure
13 days ago
@JohnnySmith557 :0
12 days ago

Other Alters Commentary
iesua: look out jaysa they're gonna fucking headshot you this is hilarious
Loran: Our video is gay. I think that's the only thing they actually got right.
Loran: What’s interesting about this video is that at timestamp 2:43 it says “one criminals actions does not define an entire organization”, is interesting since they admit that there is at least one criminal inside of their organization.
Loran: Ah yes. Recorded proof of John Smith, a high ranking official in the TDW being a confirmed criminal. That's like if the Jeffrey Epstein VI Foundation only had one high ranking official Jeffery Epstein who was a confirmed offending pedophile. "It's only one person! We should still keep the organization around" is essentially TDW's argument here.
18+ ONLY she — Today at 5:23 PM

Moloch: The "sending a cease and desist" is, and I hate how overused this word has become "cringe". Silencing another does not prove you right, it just means you don't know what to say in response.