
Oratio Fidelis (which in Latin means “prayer of the faithful.”) is an LGBT Affirming Divine Sovereignty Christian Universalist who has their own blog titled "Yet Another Christian Universalist". The site was designed using Wordpress. He is a former member of The Old CU who left during the Oratio vs SEOHell drama around October 2023. Oratio also has an Anime Planet account.
In the About the Author section they were raised loosely as a Reform Jew, and then became a materialist atheist in their teen years. Afterwards he converted to Catholicism at 17, where he was a Latin “Extraordinary Form” Mass-obsessed traditionalist Catholic for about ten years. He has since left the Catholic Church to join the United Church of Christ.
Orario has a B.A. in Theology & Religious Studies from a Catholic university, where he spent most of his Catholic years studying Thomistic philosophy and ethics. Nowadays, he is primarily focused on soteriology and Hard Determinism. His trademark signature animal is an "octopus" which he uses for various Discord usernames based off puns of his name. While being retired from the Free Will Debate, he still believes that free will does not exist.
Oratio explains how he calls himself Reformed using the definition that any Christian denomination that traces its doctrinal ancestry to the Continental Reformed tradition begun by Huldrych Zwingli can properly be called “Reformed”, including the United Church of Christ.
Oratio explains further how he declines to use the term “Calvinist”, saying how it suggests a close affinity with John Calvin’s beliefs, of which many he does not share. Some beliefs that Oratio does not subscribe to are: infernalism, limited atonement, penal substitution, inherited guilt, biblical inerrancy, political theocracy, presbyterian polity, iconoclasm, and the regulative principle of worship. However, generally speaking, Oratio defines himself as being fairly close to Reformed theology due to his beliefs in monergism, sovereign election and radical corruption, and memorialism.
Oratio is a Progressive Christian who believes that billionaires should not coexist in a world with child poverty. He runs his own Progressive Christianity Learning and Debate Server alongside moderators Phi and Zin. Other members who have been on there include Jaysa, Oliver and Lake.
Oratio was formerly a member of the Progressive Christianity Discord Server, of which his own Learning and Debate server was originally based off of. However, due to making a sexual joke towards a minor, and despite apologizing numerous times for it, he was excommunicated from his former friend group in 2023 and banned from the server. His friend Phi was also banned from the Progressive Christianity server for defending him.
Oratio Fidelis also has an AO3 account where he writes about erotica related to yanderes. Some series he has written about include Honkai Star Rail and Fire Emblem.
Oratio explains how the only Bible translation that he recommends without reservation is The New Testament: A Translation by David Bentley Hart (2018).