
Oliver, Discord User ID: 571055446635315231 (otherwise known as frostsodalis, the cat void server owner, etc.) is the current owner of the Christian Universalists Discord Server after ownership was transferred to him by SaintChalupa on September 2023. He is a trans masc mechanical engineer. He has two pet cats, Bentley and Merlin. The name of their alt account is ydrannasky.
Kofi: https://ko-fi.com/frostsodalis
Website: https://frostsodalis.wordpress.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@frostsodalis Card: https://frost-sodalis.carrd.co/

VR Chat: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_028b6ce0-db99-4bc3-a859-ebb23fae41e5 VR CHat: https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_7483c35c-ee70-4d99-b6aa-c4ffbcc0dbd8 VR Chat: https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_75fe35f6-1165-487d-b84e-0ff4c1dd16c4 How Long To Beat: https://howlongtobeat.com/user/frostsodalis Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/frostsodalis/ Steam ID: 76561198075956111
Steam Account Names: frost sodalis, frost, Sodalis, Sodalis Sel, Sodalis Selenite, HorizonSnow
Card Bio
Hello‚ I'm Frostǃ I like to make things and play games. I'm not really a person that likes to put myself out there but I love expressing my creative energy in healthy ways. I make VRChat worlds and avatars, draw DnD characters, play the piano & flute, and geek out over video games. I hope to make everyone I come across feel welcomed and included with me and my creations. 🧷

With the help of Jaysa and Sky, they attempted to create a David Bentley Hart (DBH) Bot using an online collaborative coding space using Discord.py. They were programming on a hidden channel of the Christian Universalists Discord Server to have the bot quote sections of David Bentley Hart's 2nd Edition Translation of the New Testament. Ultimately, this was never completed.
Compilation of some hidden chats from The Old CU: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dazAJ2OBm2taryvpVH-4tsIxoBTVZY7Y
Purely Symbiotic
Oliver originally created a NaNoWriMo erotic fanfic based off Astarion from Baldur's Gate 3 that he posted snippets of on the #adults-only channel shortly after becoming server owner. Jaysa was writing a facesitting erotica of Taihou from Azur Lane and the two had a friendly competition to see who could write the better erotica. Jaysa's ended up being much shorter in comparison. Oliver then created an adult-only Discord DM group for a Purely Symbiotic fanclub to which the story got a name. Eventually SaintChalupa and Sky were added as well. And later a dedicated adult-only Discord Server for Purely Symbiotics was made by Oliver as well where Em, Hami, Mac and MountainMama were invited too as well.
The story consisted of Ash, a human, who suddenly has a vampire named Jules emerge from his apartment window. Eventually the two develop a biting-kink-focused queer platonic relationship. Oliver had recruited free voice acting labor from Jaysa, playing Jules and Em, playing Ash among others. Em had written a song for the series which was later included in Part 2.

Oliver not only completed NaNoWriMo, but also made the story over 100k words long, with their Discord status being used to update their progress on the word count. He eventually made a Purely Symbiotic Tumblr blog where he would tease upcoming parts of the project.
Oliver Tries to Kill Jaysa By Making Her Go Homeless
Jaysa, who was formerly Oliver's best friend, would post Daily Bible Verses in the #quotes channel of The Old CU. Starting off more theologically focused, eventually as Jaysa began documenting more of her daily life, more evidence would emerge to how she was being abused by her mother. Jaysa would receive emotional support via this channel before Oliver made the entire channel private and only visible to certain people, like Lake of Fire, Jaysa and SaintChalupa.

Multiple dramas on the server in less than a year's timespan as soon as Oliver was made server owner, such as Oratio vs SEOHell, the Mountain Mama Drama, the Lukas Incidents, Oswin and Bulan, among others, heavily wore down on the energy of the mod team. Oliver would ignore the server at an increasing rate due to this and as well wanting to focus on Purely Symbiotic to which he would force Jaysa to edit and review for free, multiple times extending past midnight in long drawn out live voice calls. At one point Oliver even wanted to stop being Server Owner altogether.

After Jaysa's mother stole feminine clothes from her and found out she's a trans woman, Jaysa tried again to escape. However, Jaysa's mother found her supplies she was hiding. So she locked Jaysa in her room, blocking her from the other side. Oliver then told Jaysa to call the police and ended up making Jaysa run out of her house with barely any supplies. This was in December 2023. One of the first people to wish her a happy birthday was one of the homeless center workers. Another homeless person giving her a tour said to her that the shelter was the "gates to hell" and "Happy Birthday, you're homeless". She would literally run around the city, starving, trying to get enough food and warer to survive. Her fingers would bleed from the frostbite, how ironic that "frostbite" was Oliver's nickname, a reference to his biting kink and his Discord username "frostsodalis". One of her closest friends had left her to freeze to death in one of the coldest cities in the world. Jaysa and some of her alters, specifically Iesua, the Infernannihilationist to whom Oliver act Infernaphobically towards, prayed to the Ruach Adonai while on the streets to save them. This was when Jaysa was writing her suicide note on the cold concrete ground, as blood from her fingers stained the page. Jaysa had lost her phone, ironically most likely around a Universalist church that she found as a "Predetermined Event" which was one of her last photos on the Christian Universalists server before going missing. Jaysa would constantly collapse on the ground, and the taunting feeling of not being able to dress feminiely like a trans woman made her cry over and over again. The only reason she survived was because of Iesua's anger towards how her, Jaysa, Okuu and Loran were utterly betrayed by Oliver. If it weren't for a miracle, where Jaysa found a government computer to use to log into an alt account that Jaysa used to contact her sister, she would have most certainly died a painful death.
Oliver Uses Jaysa's Trauma as Kink Material for Purely Symbiotic
Once Jaysa returns home, Oliver immediately tries to exploit more free labor out of her by flooding her DMs with more Purely Symbiotic content, making it incredibly difficult for Jaysa to process her trauma. Not only that, but Oliver tells Jaysa that he'll be using the homeless suffering that Jaysa went through as material for Ash's upcoming character arc without Jaysa's permission.

Jaysa as a trans woman then gets Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). To keep this gender affirmation safe, she goes to the Canadian Tire branch located next to Polo Park in early 2024 to get a safe to stop her mother from stealing her medication. Jaysa pays for the safe at the register, but she disassociated walking past the security guard due to getting misgendered before. The security guard suddenly starts screaming at Jaysa and this reminds her of how her mother would scream at her, triggering an involuntary trauma flight response. As soon as Jaysa regains control she is grabbed by the security guard, handcuffed and trapped in a side room where she's viciously interrogated. She was accused of a crime she didn't commit. What appeared to be the manager said that if the police were here they would have shot Jaysa dead, that they want to ban her from ever coming in the store again, and to take her picture and put it on a wall. They looked through her wallet, misgendering her, grabbing her cash and saying something like "You have money why didn't you pay for it using this!?!?" even though Jaysa did pay for it. While rummaging through her brag, as Jaysa kept pointing out, the security guard eventually found the receipt and let her go, trying to play it off as it was nothing. This was extremely traumatic for Jaysa, and she thought she could turn to her close friend Oliver for support. Yet, after being DMed this information, Oliver's reply was that he wanted to use the handcuffs as a kink scene for Ash with handcuffs. He tried to sexualize and fetishize the traumatic event Jaysa had went through.
Oliver and Jaysa DM Archive as proof: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U8UJav_aQqALOPQSxW1Y3swtqNne_oJy
There are many other horrible sins committed by Oliver, including having sexual conversations in the presence of minors, discriminating against those with different belief systems from them, banning Jaysa, Oswin and Bulan for trying to keep his server safe fron pedophiles, etc. These are documented extensively within this PDF file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tF7tALOEmBj6ni-3qXktgGZg6Y8fGzL4/view?usp=drivesdk