Old CU

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The Old CU, commonly referred to as "Christian Universalists" was a Discord Server featured on Disboard before being taken down due to controversy and reported to the Cyber Authorities and replaced with The New CU.

The server was originally founded on September 17th 2018 by Anglican Christian Universalist SaintChalupa before being transferred to Episcopolian Christian Universalist frostsodalis in September 2023. The Soteriology Status .png icons originate from the #meta channel of this server. User [[Jaysa]] (known as www.jesus-saves-all.com at the time) was inspired to design the icons using a pirated version of Adobe Photoshop, switching later to GIMP in 2024.

For the original set of Universalist, Infernalist, Annihilationist, Christian, Non-Christian, Considering Christian, Questioning and Nothing which were redesigns of the Discord role icons on the #grab-a-role channel, she was assisted by Christian Universalist frostsodalis for the color choices and Christian Universalist Oswin for the shapes. Universalist: This was kept as the same cyan blue color and symbol.

Soteriology Status Developpment

Annihilationist: This originally was a .png closeup of the Infinity Gauntlet being snapped by Thanos. Multiple users such as Dom and Jaysa thought this was a gingerbread man.

Infernalist: This originally would have had a red color, but Christian Infernalist Dexter felt that the red made him look "evil". Thus a dark orange was selected instead.

Nothing: This was originally a template used to design the other Discord role flairs, but Oswin wanted it so much that JSA gave it to him, then later to Dom and months later it became available for public selection on the #grab-a-role channel.

Non-Christian: Originally, this was proposed as an icon crossing out the Christian cross, however once a member argued that this would make it appear like they were all "anti-Christians", instead a globe icon was used.

Notable Former Members (Confirmed Departures)

(Ordered from oldest to latest departure)

Oratio Fidelis: Voluntarily left in 2023.

SEOHell: Banned in 2023 by Oliver for wanting to warn people about Oratio. Oliver hid their ban from the logs, making the server worry that peoplr were suddenly mysteriously disappearing.

Zelda: Suddenly disappeared.

Oswin: Banned by Oliver for exposing the Old CU.

Bulan: Banned by Oliver for exposing the Old CU.

Drac: Voluntarily left as they wanted to distance themselves from the server.

Jaysa: Banned by Oliver for trying to limit the server to adults only by wanting to remove all minors from the server. Thus Jaysa created The New CU, an 18+ replacement for The Old CU.

Lake of Fire: Voluntarily left, as she stated that his "Offline life had to take priority over online life.".

Members (Unconfirmed If Remaining on Server Or Not)

Oliver, a Christian Universalist current server owner and a gay trans masc engineer.

Dexter, a Christian Infernalist

Elizabeth Freeman, a poly trans woman Christian Universalist.

Zin, a Lutheran Christian[[Hopeful]]Universalist Annihilationist and Mod (Elder).

Dom, a gay Christian Universalist.

Sky, a non-binary Christian Universalist and Mod (Elder).

Hami, a Zoroastriarian.

Amy, a member of The Old CU.

Mac, a Christian Universalist.

Em, a Lutheran Christian Universalist and a Mod (Elder).

Phi, a trans woman bi-lesbian Christian Universalist.

BenSwolo, a Christian Universalist and Mod (Elder).

JonJables, a Christian Universalist and Mod (Overseer).

Kano, a gay Christian Universalist and Mod (Overseer)

SaintChalupa, a Christian Universalist and former server owner




The Old CU and Incest (featuring BenSwolo)

Old CU Hidden Chat Archive

SEOHell vs Oratio

Mountain Mama vs Amy and Drac

Oswin and Bulan get banned

[[Jaysa]] vs Oliver

Cyber Authorities

Jaysa eventually reported the server to the Cyber Authorities with the following message.

The Christian Universalists Discord Server has consisted of adults who have been having sexual conversations in the presence of minors https://disboard.org/server/491288908231868429 aged 13 to 17 years old. The role icon displays each person's age, there's about 28 users with the 13-15 role, alongside one user saying they're in elementary school. I used to be a moderator on the server, but my mod status was taken away. Then there was a user who used the Anonymous Confessions channel to confess their pedophilic urges.

I have never had access to those specific tickets, however before I was banned on the server for trying to make it 18+ I made an archive of a moderater chat channel.

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dazAJ2OBm2taryvpVH-4tsIxoBTVZY7Y?usp=sharing I also made an archive of my Direct Message conversation history with Oliver, the owner of this server:

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1U8UJav_aQqALOPQSxW1Y3swtqNne_oJy?usp=drive_link as well as a 450+ page pdf exposing them for other things, such as being the reason why I went homeless and nearly froze to death out in the cold: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tF7tALOEmBj6ni-3qXktgGZg6Y8fGzL4/view?usp=drive_link In the quotes channel is also records of my mother abusing my sister who used to be a minor but is now 18, alongside my own writings of when I was abused by my mother that I host on my website: https://jesus-saves-all.com/JE/0JE.htm My therapist suggested that I report these findings. I told the police that I was getting abused by my mother, but they didn't take it seriously and just told me to go to a homeless shelter. So I'm hoping this issue gets taken more seriously here.

ChristUR Wiki is for those who are 18+ only. We are LGBT+ Affirming. All of ChristUR Wiki is free to use. "Matthew 10:8 NRSVue You received without payment; give without payment." dōrean elabete dōrean dote δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε δωρεὰν δότε