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A March 23, 2015 Orthodox icon-style edit featuring anime artwork of Jaysa's alter Okuu おくう, aka Utsuho Reiuji (UR) 霊烏路 空. Posted on Danbooru on Dec 12, 2009 by Pixiv artist yuuro_minazuki. Jaysa and Okuu are Christian trans women lesbians and creators of the ChristUR Wiki.

Welcome to the ChristUR Wiki ! ⌛🔥⚡❄️

Home to 55,976 pages, 47,055 articles, 3,869 files and 118,687 edits on Quantum Soteriology (+ Visual Novel Game)

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This is the Wiki of the Annointed One ~ Creation's Sin-Offering. Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ בְּרִיאָה כִּפֻּר transliteration: Mashiach beriah kippur Greek: Σύμβολον καθολικό ἱλάσκεσθαι romanized: Christos katholikó hilaskomai. Latin: Christus ūniversālis piaculum.

The ChristUR Wiki is a free LGBT+ Affirming educational resource that covers Quantum Soteriology, defined as determining the quantity of those who will obtain salvation, specifically within the religion of Christianity ✝. There are two major umbrellas answering the question of "How many will be saved?". The Universa umbrella ☂ (Apokatastasis, Universal Salvation, etc.) answers "All shall be saved". Meanwhile the Inferna umbrella ☂ (Annihilationism, Infernalism, Infernannihilationism, etc.) answers "Not all shall be saved". Universal Reconciliation exists as a separate concept from salvation.

The ChristUR Wiki was created on May 23 2023 by the Yuriasm ⚜️ English/Français team behind, which was made on December 22, 2022, which itself is a website archiving their Journal Entries series they started on September 17, 2014. The Interlinear NRSVue is the primary Bible translation we use here. More Icons. Shitposts.

















The Ten Cyber Commandments of the ChristUR Wiki. The ChristUR Creed otherwise known as the Creed of ChristUR. Hebrew: מָשִׁיחַ עולמי כִּפֻּר. Koinē Greek: Σύμβολον τῆς Χριστός Υ Eκτάριο, romanized: Sýmvolon tis Y Ektário. Latin: Symbolum Christus UR.


Thou shalt love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind, online and offline. This is the first and greatest cyber commandment.


Thou shalt love thy neighbor on the web as thy neighbor in real life and as thyself. The whole Internet law can be virtually summed up by this.


Thou shalt not proselytize with a one-sided closed mind, falsely labelling others as "lukewarm" and "heretics" without regards to the soundness of one's own doctrine.


Thou shalt not upload files nor create pages until the seventh day has passed. With it shall thy edits not be seven, but seventy seven. Then thy role shall be an "Autoconfirmed user" .


Thou shalt recognize Putin and Israel as war criminals, the independence of Taiwan and that Black Lives Matter. That the very essence of being a billionaire in this world of child poverty is pure evil. That the Iglesia Ni Cristo is a torturous cult. And the pronouns and gender identity/expression of others without discrimination nor invalidation. Spanking children is child physical sexual abuse. Spanking should only be done between consenting adults. Consent is required for all sexual acts between all parties. Masturbation, pornography, prostitution are not inherently sinful. Abortion is not inherently sinful and neither is divorce. Not all furries are zoophiles. Furry porn must at least be clearly humanoid to avoid zoophilia. We disagree with the Harkness Test since if someone has pornography of a non-human that looks exactly like an animal, then that's the same as zoophilia porn.


Thou shall not forget to confirm one's email address in order to edit pages and upload files.


Thou shalt not harass, slander, stereotype, label others as slurs, spread toxicity, misrepresent or steal the identity of others.


Thou shalt avoid the acursed phobias of transphobia, cisphobia, homophobia, heterophobia, biphobia, aphobia, lesbiohobia, gayphobia, panphobia, queerphobia, pluralphobia, infernaphobia, annihilaphobia, infernannihlaphobia, universaphobia, polyphobia, islamophobia, christianophobia, fatphobia and xenophobia. Do not be afraid, for the LORD your God is with you.


Thou shalt not lie about one's age. O you people have agreed to be 18 years old and upwards to see, hear and take part of the ChristUR Wiki. If it is found that any bore false witness in regards to how old they are, they shall be cut off from the site and their account shall be banned for ever and ever.


10) Thou shalt not promote child marriage, child pornography, revenge porn, any non-consensual sexual acts, grooming, incest, slavery, forced prostitution, rape, pedophilia, pederasty, zoophilia, necrophilia, beastiality, child/emotional/mental/physical abuse, murder, adultery, torture, racism, sexism, ableism, nazism, antisemitism, fascism, white nationalism, holocaust denial, suicide, self harm, eating disorders, alcohol/drug addiction, exclusion of bi/pan/mspec/male/ lesbians. If a fictional character is 18+ but they still look like a child, then having porn of them is still child porn.

An icon edit of Saint Michael Архангел Михаил (αρχιστρτατηγός) before the 19th century, featuring Okuu お空 instead from the Japanese bullet hell game Touhou 11 Chireiden ~ Subterranean Animism (とうほうちれいでん 東方地霊殿) . The original photograph of the painting was posted on Wikimedia Commons on May 8 2009, sourcing Russian website AngelsToday Ангелы сегодня which had the artwork up on May 6, 2008. Both Utsuho Reiuji れいうじうつほ edits were documented by the Touhou Hijacks in the Outside World Twitter account on December 24, 2023.
ChristUR Wiki is for those who are 18+ only. We are LGBT+ Affirming. All of ChristUR Wiki is free to use. "Matthew 10:8 NRSVue You received without payment; give without payment." dōrean elabete dōrean dote δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε δωρεὰν δότε