LGBT+ Affirming

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LGBT+ Affirmation in Christianity refers to those who agree that being a lesbian, being gay, being transgender and overall being queer is not inherently sinful. Anyone who says that homosexuality is inherently a sin is inherently a homophobe. There are many Christians who will falsely say that they "love" the LGBT Community, while still viewing being LGBT+ as a sin which is still queerphobia. This Wikipedia does not tolerate any discrimination and bigotry towards the LGBT+ community, regardless of whether that comes from a Christian Universalist, Christian Infernalist, Christian Annihilationist or Christian Infernannihilationist.

LGBT+ Affirming Christian Universalists

Chalupa = She's a trans woman and a lesbian. Christian Universalist Association (CUA)

Dom = He's gay.

Oliver = He's trans masc and gay.

Oratio = He's bisexual.

Sky = They're non-binary.

LGBT+ Affirming Christian Infernalists

Lake of Fire = They're LGBT Affirming and have many friends in the LGBT+ Community.

LGBT+ Affirming Christian Annihilationists

LGBT+ Affirming Christian Infernannihilationists

Iesua = She's a trans woman and a lesbian.

Jaysa = She's a trans woman and a lesbian.

Lake of Fire = They're LGBT Affirming and have many friends in the LGBT+ Community.

Loran = She's a lesbian.

Okuu = She's a trans woman and a lesbian.

Anti-LGBT+ Christian Universalist Sources

Aionian Bible = Homophobic bible translation group that believes marriage is limited to only a man and a woman.

Askhelm = Homophobic organization that believes that Universal Salvation refers to all gay people being sent through universal gay conversion therapy.

Gary Amirault = Homophobic creator of

JabCat = Homophobic moderator of the Discussion Board

Tentmaker = Believes Anti-LGBT Universalists must seperate themselves from LGBT Affirming Universalists

Anti-LGBT+ Christian Infernalist Sources

GotQuestions = Believes homosexuality is a sin.

Jesus-Is-Savior = Believes homosexuality is sinful.

David J. Stewart = Homophobic fundie.

Anti-LGBT+ Christian Annihilationist Sources

Anti-LGBT+ Christian Infernannihilationist Sources

ChristUR Wiki is for those who are 18+ only. We are LGBT+ Affirming. All of ChristUR Wiki is free to use. "Matthew 10:8 NRSVue You received without payment; give without payment." dōrean elabete dōrean dote δωρεὰν ἐλάβετε δωρεὰν δότε