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If one has a belief that there remains even one entity who is permanently unsaved, either through Infernalism, Annihilationism or Infernannihilationism, then such a soteriological viewpoint is "Inferna".



If even one entity suffers forever, then Infernalism is true. Such a view of a "bare-minimum" Infernalism is explored in Ursula K. Le Guin's 1973 philosophical fiction story "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas".

List of Christian Infernalists

List of Christian Infernalist Websites

[[Infernalism Literature|List of Christian Infernalism Literature]]

[[Infernalism Videos|List of Christian Infernalism Videos]]

[[Infernalism Music|List of Christian Infernalism Music]]



If even one entity is annihilated, then Annihilationism is true. Annihilationists will often cite Death as an entity being annihilated as proof that annihilationism is true.

List of Christian Annihilationists

List of Christian Annihilationist Websites

[[AnnihilationistmLiterature|List of Christian Annihilationism Literature]]

List of Christian Annihiliationism Videos

[[Annihilationism Music|List of Christian Annihilationism Music]]



If a person believes that at least one entity suffers forever and one entity is annihilated, then they are an Infernannihilationist.

List of Christian Infernannihilationists

List of Christian Infernannihilationist Websites

[[Infernannihilationism Literature|List of Christian Infernannihilationism Literature]]

[[Infernannihilationism Videos|List of Christian Infernannihilationism Videos]]

[[Infernannihilationism Music|List of Christian Infernannihilationism Music]]

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