Hami is a Zoroastrian. He is a member of The Old CU. He is also a member of the Progressive Christianity Learning and Debate Server. He is also a member of Oliver's Purely Symbiotic Server.
Hami is a strong believer in Free Will, which often stands in stark contrast to the Hard Determinism pushed so heavily by Oratio. At one point on the Progressive Christianity Learning and Debate Server, Oratio explains his own theodicy on the Problem of Evil, using the analogy of a Theatre of Suffering. Oratio describes ot as a movie of each person's lives that others can watch to obtain wisdom from them, and argues that the pain the actors of these plays experience is utterly necessary to add to the realism. This shocked Hami, and he disagreed with this.
Hami's theodicy is where human's play a more active role, serving as soldiers of good against evil. Hami therefore holds to a good works salvation, which stands in stark contrast to [[Jaysa]]'s faith alone view towards salvation, much of which was discussed while [[Jaysa]] was still on The Old CU.