Genshin Impact

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Genshin Impact is a free to play video game created by Hoyoverse (formerly known as Mihoyo) which Jaysa is a fan of.'s Reaction:

This is a review of the fictional aka fake video game Genshin Impact and how it relates to the nonfictional aka true Bible. I’ve been playing Genshin Impact since October 2020, like with my younger sister. My favorite character is Raiden Ei.

Genshin Impact version 4.0 update there’s the Archon Quest for the new Fontaine region. Here’s the following dialogue that appears: “It says that every person in Fontaine is born with “sin.” No matter how the Nation of Justice holds trial after trial, this sin cannot be absolved.”

If we were to replace “Fontaine” here with “Earth” meaning Descendants of Adam, then this makes sense, because we all inherit Original Sin from Adam.

Romans 5:12 ESV Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—

It’s an interesting connection to the true doctrine of Christian Universalism, which posits that those with sin shall believe in Christ to be saved, therefore all sinners shall be saved.

1 Corinthians 15:22 YLT for even as in Adam all die, so also in the Christ all shall be made alive,

So, it’s interesting how this Nation of Justice tries to do so much works salvation, with trial after trial, but they’re still unable to remove the sin. The grace of God triumphs over judgment. James 2:13. This is a good point, as it’s only by faith alone in Jesus Christ, only by His blood, that washes away our sins. Because only He paid for the wages of sin, which is death, by Him living a perfect life free of all sin,  by dying on the cross, being buried and bodily resurrecting 3 days later.

John 11:25-26 ESV Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me shall never die. Do you believe this?”

We can see how the virgin birth that Christ experienced was His way of avoiding being born with sin.

Isaiah 7:14 ESV Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Genshin Impact continues with this dialogue “Until one day, the water levels in Fontaine will rise, and the sinful people will slowly be drowned…”

Which I believe is a reference to the Flood from Genesis

Hebrews 11:7 ESV By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.

We see here that because Noah had faith alone in God, in Christ, He was saved.

Genesis 7:4-7 4 NKJV For after seven more days I will cause it to rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will [b]destroy from the face of the earth all living things that I have made.” 5 And Noah did according to all that the Lord commanded him. 6 Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters were on the earth. 7 So Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, went into the ark because of the waters of the flood.

Genshin Impact continues saying “In the end, the people will all be dissolved into the waters, and only the Hydro Archon will remain, weeping on her throne… Only then will the sins of the people of Fontaine be washed away”

Well specifically, the only way for the sins of any people, whether they’re Fontaine sinners or sinners in another region in Teyvat, like here on Earth, would be to have faith alone in Christ. Yet, even for those who drowned and died in the flood in their unbelief, who remain in Sheol/Hades Psalm 55:15, or in the Lake of Fire/Furnace of Affliction Isaiah 48:10, will still have always have the opportunity to believe in Christ to be saved, and eventually all will choose to have faith alone in Jesus and to be thus saved.

Genshin Impact continues with Paimon asking “That sounds pretty gloomy… Why are people in Fontaine born with sin? What is that supposed to mean?”

Biblically, the reason we are born with sin is because of the sin that Adam committed in the Garden of Eden, by eating the Forbidden Fruit Genesis 3:6.

Genesis 2:15 NASB “15 Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and tend it. 16 The Lord God commanded the man, saying, “From any tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for on the day that you eat from it you will certainly die.”

We see that the Forbidden Fruit was the one from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The reason this was sinful is because God commanded Adam not to eat from it, yet Adam ate from it anyways, thus violating God’s commandment. Any violation against any commandment of God is a sin.

Genesis 3:17 NASB “Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it’; Cursed is the ground because of you; With hard labor you shall eat from it All the days of your life.”

Genshin Impact continues with Paimon saying “If even the people in Fontaine don’t know what sin they committed, wouldn’t it be better just to ignore the prophecy completely? Why bother feeling guilty all the time?”

The problem is, whether a person subjectively feels guilty or not about their sin, it’s absolute fact that they have sin. All descendants of Adam, all us humans, me, you, we all have sin.

Romans 3:23 ESV For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

Luckily, we see that God takes away bloodguilt. God will take away the feelings of guilt felt by all people by convincing them to believe in Jesus Christ, so that they can gain the Holy Spirit and became permanently righteous in paradise.

Joel 3:21 CSB “I will pardon their bloodguilt, which I have not pardoned, for the LORD dwells in Zion.”

Hi my friend! Yeah, I was certainly caught off guard by the title. He was the mentor of my Dr. friend when he was studying his masters degree at the university, and already I see this Dr. guy as very smart, so this mentor guy must be even smarter I think. Speaking of which, my Dr friend said that he will be presenting at a local academic conference later this month and he has invited me to attend. Other researchers will be presenting their findings too, so I’m excited to meet these other scholars too! :D

Oh yeah! It would be really fun to play Genshin with you! My sister and I love doing co-op together! :D I’m a PS4 player, since I had issues installing Genshin on my PC (tho Honkai Impact 3rd and Honkai Star Rail worked just fine lol). I haven’t been online in a while because of Star Rail’s release, so I don’t know if there would be an update to install, but luckily I have video clips I saved where I can see my UID at the bottom left.

My UID is so you can add me as a friend! Hopefully we both see each other online in-game at some point so we can join each other’s worlds. :) Here’s some random Genshin video clips I saved to my computer that I found while looking for my UID.

Ah, I see. It’s good that your spending problem is resolved now though. When Genshin first came out, it was tough, because of their being less resources in general. But now that it’s been years since I first started in 2020 (I feel old now lol), I feel people have been able to save more primos. The tricky thing is the weapon banner. What I do like about Star Rail is that each character has their own signature weapon when you pull for them already. In Genshin, personally, I sometimes try to find weapons that match the character’s color palette, even when I have a better weapon I can use XD.

Hey, I mean, I also live with my mother too. And my sister as well. It’s a good way to save money. Honestly, I feel bad for people who are kicked out of their house immediately when they turn 18 for not reason at all. Like what, just because of some random number they’re abandoned like that? Wages are stagnant while companies have record profits :( And the cost of renting an apartment, mortgaging a house, it’s super expensive :(. Parents should help their children, and children should help their parents, thus everyone should help everyone else.

``` Proverbs 11:29 Whoever troubles his own household will inherit the wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise of heart. ```

And hey, don’t worry about being broke. I’m broke as well my friend XD. Since we’re both poor, the Lord blesses us both. <3

]Post Commentary: In terms of spending money on Genshin Impact, how much you are able to spend or if you even want to spend is up to you. At the end of the day, Genshin Impact is just a fictional (fake) video game series. I have spent money on Genshin Impact personally, but that’s just because I enjoy the game.

Of course, it’s good to have savings for any emergencies, financial situations, medical bills to pay, heating, electricity, bills. And it’s also good to give money to the poor, to be generous, as the Lrod commands us to do. But being generous is about helping every one. You can be generous with money sure, but you can also be generous with time. Even if you don’t have a lot of money, it’s still good just to spend time out of your day simply talking to people. Just being beside someone and listening to them vent, even if you’re just nodding, saying “Yes” for agreement, those things really do help! Everyone needs a break sometimes, and it’s a different feeling when you’re talking to a wall vs talking to an actual person who’s listening. Like, I’ve tried venting to a phone that records what I’m saying through the Notepad app and turns it into text and the feeling is not the same as talking to an actual human being. The Lord always listens to our pleas for help of course. So for us, we should also listen to the pleas of help from others too.

JEREMIAH 30:24 See what a scorching wind has gone out from the Lord, a sweeping whirlwind. It whirls round the heads of the wicked; the Lord's anger is not to be turned aside, till he has finished and achieved his heart's desire. In days to come you will understand. ( NEB )

MALACHI 3:6-7, 10 "I the Lord do not change. So you, 0 descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed ... Return to me, and I will return to you," says the Lord Almighty..."Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." (NIV)

Phil. 2:10:11 "At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."

All people shall believe in LORD Christ and thus all shall be saved

Luke 3:6 NRSVue and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.

trying to improve download speed so I can get the fictional video game Genshin Impact Fontaine update aug 16 2023. I had it downloading over night on my computer since my mom is going to work for work so it would not affect the internet connection speed, however, she turned off my computer while I was asleep. She keeps trying to stop me from spreading my Christian Universalist Bible verses. 1 Cor 13:8 Love never fails.

I was so busy like talking to calmy and her trying to stop me that I ended up missing out on the free Layla character from the update and the free Kaeya skin. With the INC, CPS, ETC. I’ve been so occupied this summer.


Upload Mbps


Ping ms 110 120 —



Altima Telecom 10G

Montréal, QC

Is the speedtest and… I just realized that I’m connected to Mullvad VPN. And I don’t have split tunnelling set for Genshin Impact! (This excludes it from the VPN) so I set it. Clicked “Find Another App” button. Added launcher.exe under list of “Excluded apps” and under Genshin Impact game folder added Genshin Impact. Speed seems to be the same, so clicking on the Green Lock icon at the bottom right corner of my screen, I click the red “Disconnect” button. Now it shows an unsecured connection for Canada and the icon at the bottom right corner of my screen is now a Red Lock icon.

[A VPN aka Virtual Private Network lets you change your IP address from one location to another. This is useful if you’re like me who keeps getting my Roblox accounts banned because I spread the Gospel that all shall believe in Christ and that all shall be saved. Luke 3:6 All flesh shall see the salvation of God]

Ok, the speed is actually slightly faster now! It used to be 0.8 to 0.9 mbps varying, now it’s 0.95 MB/s steady. It used to have the yellow text of Time Remaining as 08:00:00 now it’s like 07:22:00 something like those numbers.

search: does vpn slow down downloaded speed

Using a VPN (virtual private network) slows down your internet connection. According to our research, you'll see Wi-Fi speeds drop by as much as 77% as soon as you sign onto a VPN.

end quote

A wired Ethernet connection lets you get a fast internet connection

end quote

Right now speed is around 0.9 mbs which is slow as per this reddit post

As for 0.9mbps that's really slow, what kind of speed is it supposed to be? are you paying for 1mbps connection?

No, an ethernet cable will not make the external network faster.

end quote

Check the Ethernet cable and connection. Make sure the Ethernet cable is securely plugged into the Ethernet port on both your router and Windows 10 PC. On your router, make sure the Ethernet cable is plugged into the correct Ethernet port—not the Internet port that’s used to connect your modem and router.

end quote

So, I plugged the ethernet in directly into the computer since there’s a port but it shows the text “No Internet”. It’s a long long light gray/grey cable that is running down here to the basement living room, going up the light brown stairs and going into the upstairs living room. So let’s follow the connection to see what’s up!

Ok so I tightened the cables and came back and there was some error message on the Genshin Launcher, so then I continued and all of a sudden the download speed was like 4 MB/s which is so much faster! But then it suddenly dropped back down to 0.95 MB/s

Now it shows the Ethernet cable connection as “Connected”. Clicking on it shows the Settings window with the Title of “Eternet” at the top in white text in front of a black background then below it the name then lighter grey text which says “Connected”

Metered Connection is already turned off, since that would control more data usage, so that’s good.

Under the Properties, there’s a grey “Copy” button with white text so clicking on it here’s the information

Link speed (Receive/Transmit):   1000/1000 (Mbps)

Primary DNS suffix:         hitronhub.home

Manufacturer:   Intel

Description:       Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM

Driver version:

Ethernet cable increases speed from your device to the router (assuming yoir wifi is in congested chanel/ low signal etc). It does nothing to the speed from your router to the internet.

end quote

Well, at least the speed from my device to my router is at it’s optimal speed. I used to have my computer setup in my room but I just use that place for sleeping, since I had computer screen that broke. We hooked it up to the old TV, then that broke, so we have this new one. So the cable wasn’t really being used for that much anyways, so this makes sense. As this commenter suggests, the issue appears to be the speed from the router to the Internet. At least this should help me in the future when it comes to Christian Universalism evangelism. James 2:13 Mercy triumphs over judgment

Huh… that’s strange. So when I click Ctrl + Alt + Del and go to the Performance tab, in the orange Ethernet section for Intel® Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM it has a maximum Throughput of 11 Mbps and is operating above the 7.7 Mbps line most of the time. At the bottom it shows stats similar to the ones I already copy pasted above. Yet for Send it’s around 180 Kbps and Receive at 8.5 Mbps.

Highlighting over it with the mouse shows the text “Send and receive activity on this network”

So under the Processes tab, for the 0% Disk percentage, I think this is a tracker of the Download speed because for apps like Firefox (sometimes going to 1 MB/s), Microsoft Word, Task Manager, Windows Explorer, it shows it at 0 MB/s but then for Genshin Impact (2) it shows as 1.0 MB/s

Scrolling down the list to Background processes (56) and Windows processes (35) it shows 0 MB/s for most things, though there was 0.1 MB/s for PowerToys.Run, 0.1 MB/s for System

Going on the Resource Monitor, in the Disk tab, under the Disk Activity section, it shows around 0 – 3 MB/sec Disk I/O with 1% Highest Active Time

Then under the Network tab it shows Network Activity with the launcher.exe (two instances) biggest one is 1,017,500 Receive B/sec around,

task manager receive for ethernet larger than download speed

Task manager shows transfer speeds in kbps or Mbps - MegaBITS per second

Chrome shows download speeds in MB/s - MegaBYTES per second

end quote

WOW ok I just realized there’s a difference with it now, so I went back and changed the times where I said “mbps” when I really mean MB/s.


So let’s do some quick math fellow Christian gamers.

8.5 Mbps – 0.95 Mbps = 7.55 Mbps

That means that 7.55 is being used for a different Internet process! But for what?


Ok so because I did not know the difference, I accidentally assumed that 0.95 was Mbps when it was really 0.95 MB/s so the math is flawed here in the cross out section.

0.95 Megabit per second = 0.11875 Megabyte per second

0.95 MB/s = 0.11875 mbps


So really the math should look like this then huh?

8.5 Mbps – 0.11875 Mbps = 8.38125 Mbps per second that I’m missing out on.

And theoretically that means th

8.5 Megabyte per second = 68 Megabit per second

8.5 Mbps = 68 MB/s

I COULD BE DOWNLOADING THIS AT LIGHTNING SPEED HERE!!!! LIGHTNING like the fictional character raiden ei, my fav character in Genshin Impact because she’s HoT

Some users have also reported you can simply pause and unpause the download

end quote

Looks like the slow download speeds may be something specific to the Genshin Impact launcher.

So while typing this I paused the download and will start it back up now. Ok so it jumped up to 4 MB/s and then went back to 0.95 MB/s

In the comments section one person writes “People have reported getting a free vpn and pointing to Hong Kong and getting 30mb/s”. Well I’ll turn on my Mullvad VPN and set it to Hong Kong without Split Tunneling to see what happens.

Ok so it went up to 2 MB/s but then dropped to an even lower number so I don’t think this works, I think the VPN overall is just lowering the speed so I will turn it off.

To fix your slow download speeds, you’re going to want to close the launcher and completely restart it

end quote

Believe in Christ Jesus to be made permanently clean of all sins, all people will

Titus 2:11 NRSVue For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all

Closed the launcher, it does not appear in Task Manager list anymore, now will reopen it

C:\Program Files\Genshin Impact

It’s also in my C Drive since I’ve heard that runs it faster than when on a HDD USB (I think my drive is SSD).

Then clicked the yellow download button.

Ok now it shows Download speed: 0.97 MB/s

so that’s like an extra 0.02 MB/s gained? Not bad, eh, I’ll take it.

Internet I’m using is 2.4 instead of 5.0

2.4 GHz WiFi vs 5 GHz WiFi, What's the Difference? | TP-Link

5 GHz WiFi is faster but provides a shorter range.

So I will switch to the 5 Ghz WiFi to see if that’s faster, even though the Ethernet cable is for some reason displaying the same wifi name as the 2.4 Ghz one

Ohhh ok so I disconnected from the WiFi and it still shows as Internet connection I think because of the Ethernet cable

Ok entered into the 5.0 Ghz and its still around the same speed so now I think I can deduce that the bottleneck is the Genshin Impact launcher itself

So I disconnected from WiFI and will stick with Ethernet cable since I imagine it’s a physical connection to the Router so it should be the theoretical fastest



   Consistent speeds

   Low latency

   Higher security

   Simple connections



   Inconsistent and slow speeds

   High latency

   Dropped connections

Yeah that’s why I love Ethernet more than WiFi in this situation! (my bias lol)

Maeki11 6 mo. ago

Try to open the command prompt as administrator and excute this command:

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal

I went from 3MB/sec to my maximum (100MB/sec).

end quote

Click the Windows icon on the bottom left corner (I use Windows 10) then left click, then on the search bar type in “cmd” and right lick the Command Prompt app and from that box left click “Run as administrator” then click Yes to the pop up window. Then copy and paste “netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal” into it. So Ctrl + V then hit enter. Ok. So Administrator: Command Prompt responded with “Ok.”.

ConfidentSpend9762 9 mo. ago Gold

If you have slow download speed try this: open command prompt as administrator* type in: netsh interface tcp show global*

See if it's disabled, and then if it is, type: netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal just make sure to change it back to disabled after the installation is finished. hope this works for you guys.

end quote

So same steps for Administrator Command Prompt as above. Ok so I entered in “netsh interface tcp show global” and it shows the following list:


Receive-Side Scaling State          : enabled

Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level    : normal

Add-On Congestion Control Provider  : default

ECN Capability                      : disabled

RFC 1323 Timestamps                 : disabled

Initial RTO                         : 1000

Receive Segment Coalescing State    : enabled

Non Sack Rtt Resiliency             : disabled

Max SYN Retransmissions             : 4

Fast Open                           : enabled

Fast Open Fallback                  : enabled

HyStart                             : enabled

Proportional Rate Reduction         : enabled

Pacing Profile                      : off

end quote

So then I entered in “netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal” and Command Prompt said “Ok.” Maybe if I restart my computer. Heeeyyyy welcome back. Ok so that did not work either. It’s varyying from 0.8 to 1.1 MB/s right now, with average of like 0.95 MB/s so I think it’s essentially the same.

Auuggghhh it’s connected to Ethernet and I keep pausing then exiting and reopening, where the Download speed is high but then it suddenly drops back down!

Under Network Adapters, Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (7) I219-LM I right click and select Update Drive. Then under the option of “How do you want to search for drivers?” I click on the “Search automatically for drivers.” option and windows says that “The best drivers for your device are already installed”

It also says that my version of Windows is up to date.

Was just talking to my sister and came back AUGUGGHHHHH

it was like around 200 KB/s WHAT

Since it’s a video will type down the instructions as I see it

First step: Open your Device Manager and go to your Gigabit ethernet device

Second Step: Right click your device and hit properties

Third step: Select Advanced and scroll down to Speed and Duplex

Fourth Step: set the value to 7Gbps Full Duplex

For me it was set as Value: Auto Negotiation so from the dropdown box menu I set it to “1.0 Gbps Full Duplex” then clicked ok at the bottom right corner of the window.


IT’S AT 6.16 KB/S WHAT????????


4.79 KB/S ?????????????????????????????????????

Ok so I paused the download, quit the launcher and then reopened it, went back to download and now the download speed is around 1.05 MB/s though it’s very variable from 800 KB/s to 1.15 MB/s

I feel like someone else may be using all the Internet connection which is why the download speed is so slow so let’s see

dmaho123 9 yr. ago

Look for a mobile app called Fing. It is an easy to use network scanner that will show all devices that are connected to your router. You can add a label to each device so you can easily keep track of what's yours and what isn't.

end quote

So from the App Store, I’m downloading Fing – Network Scanner to my IPhone

Going to says that “Your Internet access is blocked” so I changed it to

This site can’t be reached192.168.0.0 took too long to respond.

Try:  Checking the connection Checking the proxy and the firewall

Running Windows Network Diagnostics ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

Error message that showed up. So I’m on the update page.

Internet speed test with the app shows that the latency is 50ms, the Provider is Shaw.

Download speed = 3.1 Mbps

Upload speed = 0.9 Mbps

3.1 Megabyte per second = 24.8 Megabit per second

3.1 MB/s = 24.8 Mbps

Timestamp 1:07

Right click on the windows icon on the bottom left corner of the screen then type in “data” and then click “Data usage overview”.

Under Status, Network status, it shows “Ethernet Public network” as the connection between computer and Internet. Saying “You’re connected to the Internet” which is good.

Have faith alone in LORD Christ to be made permanently clean of all sins, all people will

James 2:13 NRSVue … mercy triumphs over judgment.

Under the “Advanced Network Settings” running the “Network troubleshooter – Diagnose and fix network problems” it opens a “Network Adapter” window where it asks what network adapter to diagnose. So I just select the last option on the list which is “All network adapters”

It says that it found a problem saying “The remaining repairs require administrator permissions. Problems found. The Diagnostics Policy Service is disabled” So I left click on the “Try these repairs as an administrator”

Then I go through windows and it says “Start the Diagnostics Service Automatically. Network Diagnostics requires that the Diagnostics Policy Service be running” so I click on the blue worded option with the arrow facing right that says “Apply this fix”

Now it says that “Troubleshooting has completed. The troubleshooter made some changes to your system. Try attempting the task you were trying to do before”

Here is the information from the Troubleshooting report that it allows me to copy and paste below:

PrintNetwork Adapter Publisher details

Issues found

The Diagnostics Policy Service is disabledThe Diagnostics Policy Service is disabled

Network Diagnostics cannot be run without the Diagnostics Policy Service. Detected Detected

Start the Diagnostics Policy Service automatically Completed

Issues found Detection details

6 The Diagnostics Policy Service is disabled Detected Detected

Network Diagnostics cannot be run without the Diagnostics Policy Service.

Start the Diagnostics Policy Service automatically Completed

Network Diagnostics requires that the Diagnostics Policy Service be running.

Detection details Expand

Collection information

Computer Name:  DESKTOP-U2AJ0CV

Windows Version: 10.0

Architecture: x64

Time: Wednesday, August 16, 2023 10:54:02 AM

Publisher details Expand

Windows Network Diagnostics

Detects problems with network connectivity.

Package Version: 4.0

Publisher: Microsoft Windows

Network Adapter

Find and fix problems with wireless and other network adapters.

Package Version: 3.0

Publisher: Microsoft Corporation

So then I close the window.

Now the Download speed is at 0.97 MB/s so I think all of this may have gained us 0.01 MB/s which I’ll take I guess………

Now clicking on the Data usage button, for the Choose a network for the Ethernet, it does not show a list of the different programs using data.

Timestamp 2:13 Metered connection is already turned off as well

Searching in the settings for Background apps it already has the “Let apps run in the background” turned off and it also has all the blue icon apps as turned off as well.

Looks like there’s this whole guide here about a manual download version

And they have the Direct Download Links for Genshin Impact 4.0

Their server’s are being bombarded and unfortunately we must be patient.

end quote

At this point, amidst my constant struggle for hours, I’ve begun to realize that maybe the real limiter is the Genshin Impact servers themselves.

aminscovalol 2 mo. ago

Try to open the command prompt as administrator and excute this command:

netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=normal

I went from 3MB/sec to my maximum (100MB/sec).

end quote

Another one of these tips which I tried and still does not work. I’m back at 0.96 MB/s so it’s like I’ve lost that supposed 0.01 MB/s that I would have gained if it were at 0.97 MB/s

And under general settings on the launcher it’s already set for there to be no limit when downloading. Specifically for “Limit Download Speed” it’s set as “No Limit”

When I use this an the download is on Google Chrome, the download speed is actually slower. So it might just be my network connection in general.

Luckily, based on the information provided to me by the “Fing – Network Scanner” app I’ve been able to determine that my ISP meaning Internet Service Provider is Shaw.

I have some of the outdated passwords saved to an old Word Document that I have ok that one doesn’t work kinda what I was expecting lol

Since the newer password does not work either I have decided to try resetting the password

Check your email

We’ve just sent an email to  with details on how to reset your password.

Check your junk folder if you don’t see an email from us.

Here’s a copy of the email from Shaw sent to Gmail

Shaw <[email protected]> Unsubscribe

11:18 AM (0 minutes ago)

to me

Please reset your Shaw ID password.

Reset now

This link will be valid for 48 hours.

If you didn't request a password reset, let us know.

shaw logo

This message is sent to you by Shaw Cablesystems GP. Our address is Suite 900, 630 - 3rd Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 4L4. For general inquiries, you can reach us by phone anytime at 1-888-472-2222. For additional contact methods, click here.

To unsubscribe from all Shaw commercial electronic messages, please click here. We will continue to deliver your eBill and notices relating to the administration of your account and delivery of your services.

Privacy Policy     |            Terms Of Use

© 2023 Shaw Communications Inc. All Rights Reserved.

end quote

Funnily enough I set that newer password that I tried but didn’t work as the current password now so it showed a big green checkmark and displayed this following message:

start quote

Your Shaw ID password has been reset

Want to start using My Shaw ?You’re all set to start using My Shaw to manage your account.

end quote

Ohhhh that Shaw ID is the email address, not the account number, I was using the numbers so let me try the email instead

Two-step verification required

You're signing in on an unknown device or have made recent account changes.

In the next 30 minutes, please enter the verification code sent to

Thing is… I don’t have access to the phone number right now where the verification code was sent to. And I don’t even have my VPN on, since it usually asks for this 2 Factor Authentication stuff when I’m logging in from a different IP address than the one at my home but my house address one is the one that I am using!

Well, guess I’m stuck here then. So I will just post this on the Genshin Subreddit, see what their reaction is, maybe some tips, idk. This has been just a journey from me, a random person on the Internet, the creator of Believe in Jesus Christ to be made permanently alive, thus all people will be saved and go to Heaven. Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people.

Gain permament peace by faith alone in Christ, all people will

Genesis 1:1 NRSVue When God began to create the heavens and the earth,

Check your email

We’ve just sent an email to  with details on how to reset your password.

Check your junk folder if you don’t see an email from us.

Here’s a copy of the email from Shaw sent to Gmail

Shaw <[email protected]> Unsubscribe

11:18 AM (0 minutes ago)

to me

Please reset your Shaw ID password.

Reset now

This link will be valid for 48 hours.

If you didn't request a password reset, let us know.

shaw logo

This message is sent to you by Shaw Cablesystems GP. Our address is Suite 900, 630 - 3rd Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 4L4. For general inquiries, you can reach us by phone anytime at 1-888-472-2222. For additional contact methods, click here.

To unsubscribe from all Shaw commercial electronic messages, please click here. We will continue to deliver your eBill and notices relating to the administration of your account and delivery of your services.

Privacy Policy     |            Terms Of Use

© 2023 Shaw Communications Inc. All Rights Reserved.

end quote

Funnily enough I set that newer password that I tried but didn’t work as the current password now so it showed a big green checkmark and displayed this following message:

start quote

Your Shaw ID password has been reset

Want to start using My Shaw ?You’re all set to start using My Shaw to manage your account.

end quote

Ohhhh that Shaw ID is the email address, not the account number, I was using the numbers so let me try the email instead

Two-step verification required

You're signing in on an unknown device or have made recent account changes.

In the next 30 minutes, please enter the verification code sent to

Thing is… I don’t have access to the phone number right now where the verification code was sent to. And I don’t even have my VPN on, since it usually asks for this 2 Factor Authentication stuff when I’m logging in from a different IP address than the one at my home but my house address one is the one that I am using!

Well, guess I’m stuck here then. So I will just post this on the Genshin Subreddit, see what their reaction is, maybe some tips, idk. This has been just a journey from me, a random person on the Internet, the creator of Believe in Jesus Christ to be made permanently alive, thus all people will be saved and go to Heaven. Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people.

Aug 16 2023 6:12 PM

So I was playing Sekiro on the PS4 with my sister and then Elden Ring for the first time with my sister, and then when I came to check back on the Genshin Impact Fontaine Update, it now shows the Download Game Resources 2% (0.79GB/32.22GB) in white text on the bottom left side of the screen and then Time remaining: 11:11:14 in the middle of the screen on the right side of the loading bar.

So I decided to check in on my post and even though on the regular Google Chrome browser it still shows the post, for some reason there was no comments, so I decided to check and then I found that in incognito mode it shows that the post was removed. So a typical Reddit shadow removal type thing, where the post is removed without notifying the person who posted it that it was removed.

Go to Genshin_Impact


7 hr. ago




Tips to Improve Download Speed





Maybe they removed my post because I referenced Christianity. Truly, the good news of Christian Universalism will be spread to all people of all nations. Everyone will believe in Christ and shall thus go to Heaven, it is guaranteed my friends.

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth

download download manager

reddit best download manager

JDownloader 2: It is the most feature-rich. Free Download Manager: It is the standard against which every other download manager is measured.

So then I download the file called “fdm_x64_setup.exe” where when a try to run it, it says.

When I try to run the program, a blue screen suddenly appears which says “This app can’t run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher.” With a blue button with white outline at the bottom right corner which says “Close”

For some reason the Size and the Size on disk for the Properties section shows “0 bytes” so I think there was an error in the download.

Ok so it looks like that since the Genshin download was taking up all the download space that there was not enough space for the Free Download Manager program to download, so I removed that, give that space, hopefully that should work.

Alright, the program popped up in the windows tray and is blinking orange. Will install for all users as that’s what’s recommended. Click yes. Setup language English. C: drive good destination location. I can search it up in the bottom left windows menu so I don’t need a desktop shortcut or quick launch shortcut Personally my desktop is a black screen, only the recycling bin at the top left corner is on there XD.

Since I already have the 3.8 version installed from the launcher I will get this one:

Update Package for 3.8.0 Users:

3.8.0 to 4.0.0 Game Update md5: D2CC88A7E6F3B9081BFD5D1F155BC6FB

Then on Free Download manager clicking the blue button with the white text plus at the top left corner and putting in the URL that I copy pasted under the “Add download” window then under the description which reads “Enter URL or choose torrent file”.

Will just have the save to location as the default one here as the downloads folder.

So this time I can just have it downloading overnight and hopefully my mom does not turn off my computer while it’s downloading. It says that the status is 0% with 10h 3m. At a speed of around 954 KB/s and was added 6:58 PM.

I was originally downloading it on Firefox but I remember I downloaded something on the Firefox browser before and it resulted in an error so to be safer, having this dedicated download manager would be better I think

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