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Business as it relates to Quantum Sotierology.'s Commentary

Index = Indicator or Measure of Something

ISAIAH 46:9-10 I am God, there is no other, I am God, and there is no one like me; I reveal the end from the beginning, from ancient times I reveal what is to be: I say, "My purpose shall take effect, I will accomplish all that I please."

How come business people have all these fancy ratios?

Category Development Index (CDI) -> ratio for sales performance

Company Index (CI) -> public traded orgs on stock exchange

Consumer Price Index (CPI) -> if food too expensive, riots

Brand Development Index (BDI) -> how well franchise name performs in market

Index Fund (S&P500) -> diversify investments, low risk

Name Index (NI) -> first, middle, last author biography

Product Index (PI) -> catalogue of goods

Subject Index (SI) -> material collection

PSALM 139:8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there.

And us Christians don’t have as much. We should make our own ratios. We have been saved by faith alone in Jesus Christ permanently. All will eventually become believers in Christ Jesus and be saved by faith alone.

Psalm 118:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.

Faith Alone in Christ Index (FAICI)-> how many people have been saved by faith alone in Christ.

OSAS Index (OSASI)-> Believe in Jesus Christ and you are saved permanently.

Universal Salvation Index (USI) -> All people will eventually become believers in Christ Jesus and be saved permanently, this is true.

Psalm 86:9 All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, 0 Lord; they will bring glory to your name.

And don’t get mixed up with my homepage, index.html page. I can’t title this file index because it might get mixed up. So I will name it as indextext.htm. This isn’t the homepage! For people who come across this.

Psalm 13:5 I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

But what’s unique about our indexes, the three mentioned above, will include every person in existence! Everyone will guaranteed become believers in Christ and be saved. This is true! All of these financial indexes and ratios try to maximize profits, but in Christ it’s true profit. In Christ, every index of good is maximized. And it’s all with faith alone my friends!

Philippians 2:10-11: "At the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Hi everyone. Here is a conversation that I believe is interesting, where I talked with someone about the different interpretations of the word "חֶ֖רֶשׂ (ḥe·reś)" and how so many Bible versions translate it drastically differently from one another

This is odd. I remember there was your reply before juli, however now I cannot see it? Nevertheless, I will post my reply to your post here, as I typed it anyways. ____

Isaiah 45:9

Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker,

those who are nothing but potsherds

among the potsherds on the ground.

Does the clay say to the potter,

‘What are you making?’

Does your work say,

‘The potter has no hands’?

(NIV) A potsherd is a broken fragment of a pot, one clay pot חֶ֖רֶשׂ (ḥe·reś) Strong's 2789: Earthenware, earthen vessel, sherd, potsherd. Indeed, we are like earthen vessels. We, humans of the earth, with our bodies as vessels for our souls, are all sinners. We have all broken the law of God, our Maker. Thus, with His hands, He will convince all of us through His own hands to believe in Christ, to be repaired from our sins. Can the annihilationist clay say to the potter “What are you making? Salvation for all? Don’t you want to permanently destroy the sinners?” Can the infernalist clay say “The potter can not save everybody because He has no hands?”


as I'm curious what others may think of my personal interpretation with how it aligns with Christian Universalism. My apologies for any confusion. I believe it’s useful to speak economically, but maybe I jumped too quickly into it lol. It's why I include the Hebrew word חֶ֖רֶשׂ (ḥe·reś) there, as sometimes it's worded as "clay pot" or "pot" or "earthenware vessel". There’s a lot of variance when it comes to how it’s worded, which is intriguing. I also use multiple translation versions, so I appreciate you telling me about this CEB version. Since I’m curious, I put in the Isaiah 45:9 verse inside the Common English Bible and here is what I see Doom to the one who argues with the potter, as if he were just another clay pot! Does the clay say to the potter, “What are you making?”

Interesting. It seems the New International Version takes a big creative liberty by adding the whole line “those who are nothing but potsherds among the potsherds on the ground.” Doom = death, destruction, or any very bad situation that cannot be avoided: Even though the CEB uses the word “doom”, I do not see it as a permanent destruction like the Annihlationists see it nor deathly torture as the Infernalists. Rather, an unavoidable Strong's Hebrew: 5769. עוֹלָם (olam) (pertaining to an age) punishment. Hmm… but maybe you’re interested in a more meta reason? Not why I posted this particular verse, but rather, why I posted this here at all?

The reason I start this conversation though is because, as a Christian Universalism, I find it hard to find other people to talk with in person. My own mother has been constantly telling me to stop talking to people online about Christianity. And I posted before on another Discord server, but it received a lot of pushback from a person who is not a Christian Universalism. On other forums, I have been banned for speaking of Christian Universalism even. So, places like this where people can discuss Christian Universalism openly are quite hard to find. A lot of times, instead of providing their analysis on the verses I provide in particular, I find, many people see that I believe in the concept of “Universal Salvation through Christ” and then may try to debate it. So then, the conversation can go off topic from the specific verse as I then get verses that prove Christian Universalism is true. It can get tiring, the constant back and forth, so I’m interested in variety. Discussion preferably over debate, more relaxing that way lol. Still though, Juli, I appreciate your response, my friend. Even though it was not necessarily the sort of reply I was expecting, still it’s definitely more relaxing then how I’m treated elsewhere! :D God bless!

A discussion within the Community Universalism Church

Good point. For me, I have trouble online discerning the difference between whether someone asks sincere questions or are merely asking rhetorical questions, it's tricky since a lot of emotional information like the tone of a person's voice, their facial expressions, are lost when communicating online.

Oooo ok. I hadn't thought of it that way, that's very interesting! I really like that line of thinking :D

Ahhh I relate to that. Thanks for your reply Rev. Andrew! :D When I look back on how I found out about Christian Universalism (I used to be an Annihlationist), it was less so me debating with others, and more so me searching for resources online. So I think that's what you mean by "engage with the scripture verses"? Less so debating infernalist verses people bring up, and more so addressing them in a study


Ohhhh I see. Thanks for the commentary my friend! I had not made the connection with the Jeremiah 18:1-4 verse before, but thinking about it, it makes sense! So it looks like the clay and potter story may be more of a metaphor for our present situation, like our earthly lives, instead. Hmm… I think… if certain people (pieces) are flawed, it would be arrogant for us to add human assumptions on God’s plan for that person. Interesting!

Overall, I appreciate this discussion Juli and Rev. Andrew my friends! Thinking about my initial introduction, I understand the confusion that may have generated, you have my apologies. So much of the Christianity-sphere is filled with debates. People picking apart every little word in Hebrew/Greek XD. I think scripture can lose some of it’s charm when hyper analyzing every grammatical morpheme. Sometimes I may even fall for that trap lol, deconstructing a verse and adding extra interpretations to it when it could be purely poetic. Still, this has certainly given me much to think about! I thank you for your insightful replies and I wish you all a blessed day in the Lord :D


1) Sometimes my family members work from home during the weekends, so I've noticed that whenever I have Zoom meeting while they work, they end up making the connection really laggy. There are times where my voice would completely disappear, or I couldn't hear a participant, and I wouldn't find out until they'd message me in the chat on the right! XD That's even when I had a grey LAN Internet cable connected directly to my computer. I think I might have in general a very slow Internet connection.


Free accounts for Zoom have a Zoom meeting time limit of 40 minutes. There are many different plans to choose from for longer meetings, so knowing the time length will help me decide which billing plan to purchase.

2 Corinthians 5:19: "In Christ God was reconciling the world to himself."

The Jews were chosen to be the light of the whole world to all the Gentiles.

Isa 45:17 But Israel shall be saved in the Lord with an everlasting salvation: ye shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.

Rom. 11:26 "ALL Israel will be saved."

It is true that Israel shall be saved. Israel, and every nation on Earth will be saved in the Lord with everlasting salvation.

Gal 3:8 "ALL the nations shall be blessed."

Salvation is for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. There are people who have been saved beyond Israel. Thus, this proves that other nations can be saved. Thus, everyone will become believers in Jesus Christ.

2 Cor. 5:14 "Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for ALL, and therefore all died."

In fact, God has elected since the foundation of the Earth for all people to be saved. Therefore, everyone is God's elected. Therefore, everyone is promised salvation.

John 12:32 "And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself."

Yes the Hebrew word "olam", which then went to the Greek word "aion"

Similar to how the false belief of ECT is taken from Greek Mythology, the realm of Hades

Hades - Wikipedia

The false belief of aion being eternal is taken from Hellenistic Mythology, with the diety Aion

Aion (deity) - Wikipedia

As Christians we must believe in the Bible, and avoid the myths of false religions.

1 Corinthians 15:55: "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"

1 Corinthians 15:22-28 All will be made alive in Christ, but each in his own turn and ultimately Christ will subdue all his enemies, eliminate death and God will be all in all.

Believe in Jesus Christ with faith alone to be saved. Thus all people will become believers in Jesus Christ and go to Heaven :)

My keyboard just broke. The one that I used for the website. However, I can still type with this one. These will be the first words that I type with this new keyboard, to try to break it in.

holding a key mkes highlight


when I try to type the a key on Microsoft edge all the text just gets highlighted and deleted. satan has tried to silence my ability to evangelizing online but I will never give up I will keep spreading the gospel truth, that jesus christ will save everyone and thus all people will become believers in christ and go to heaven.

Matt. 5:44-45 Jesus commanded us to be like Himself and His Father: "Love your enemies, bless those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you that you may be sons of your Father in heaven."

Have faith alone in Christ Jesus and gain permanent life, all will thus go to Heaven

1 Cor 13:8 love never fails

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