According to Promise. Of Salvation, Life, and Eternity
According to Promise. Of Salvation, Life, and Eternity is a free audiobook that was written by Christian Infernalist Charles H. Spurgeon and published by the Aneko Press Youtube channel.
Jaysa's Description
The following Christian Infernalist audiobook was shared by Jaysa's Christian Infernannihilationist mother to Christian Infernannihilationist Jaysa on September 12th 2024. The work focuses on the complete assurance of salvation that all believers have and an emphasis on faith alone and grace alone salvation. The text rebukes works salvation as worldly and carnal, citing that grace is without merit. It's clear this stems from the position of born-again theology.
The Infernalism stems from the emphasis on the eternal divisions that exist between the believers and the unbelievers, citing various Tanakh stories, such as Isaac who was chosen and Ismael who was of the world, Jacob who God loved and Esau to whom God hated. And references to the New Testament in regards to the wheat being seperated from the taff. Isaac, being placed in the position of the Christian Infernalist, is happy and laughs, despite persecution from heresies in the church (implied by omission to be Christian Universalism). Further, the author speaks of not being envious to those who are rich in prosperities of the world, rhetorically asking if they are not to be pitied among all? For they deceive themselves in their hearts. The base condition of all creation is condemnation in sin, as all humanity fails the holy law of the Lord.

Youtube Description
~ Audiobook Description ~ The first part of this book is meant to be a sieve to separate the chaff from the wheat. Use it on your own soul. It may be the most profitable and beneficial work you have ever done. He who looked into his accounts and found that his business was losing money was saved from bankruptcy. This may happen also to you. If, however, you discover that your heavenly business is prospering, it will be a great comfort to you. You cannot lose by honestly searching your own heart. The second part of this book examines God’s promises to His children. The promises of God not only exceed all precedent, but they also exceed all imitation. No one has been able to compete with God in the language of liberality. The promises of God are as much above all other promises as the heavens are above the earth. Jubilee Bible text. Used by permission. Read by Saethon Williams. Updated and Annotated. Copyright © 2018 by Aneko Press, 203 E Birch St., Abbotsford, WI 54405 Listen to our other great, free Christian audiobooks here: / anekopress ~ Contents ~ Opening Credits...00:00 Ch. 1: A Spiritual Analysis...00:09 Ch. 2: Natural vs. Supernatural...03:38 Ch. 3: Two Kinds of Life...16:24 Ch. 4: Two Kinds of Hope...27:59 Ch. 5: Persecution and Children of the Promise...36:23 Ch. 6: Where the Heart Goes We Go...45:47 Ch. 7: Whose Are the Promises? ...56:57 Ch. 8: What God Gives is Given Freely...01:05:57 Ch. 9: The Promise of God Is a Reality...01:14:24 Ch. 10: The Special Treasure of Believers...01:25:50 Ch. 11: The Valuation of the Promises...01:47:04 Ch. 12: God Fulfills His Promises...02:05:42 Ch. 13: The Rule without Exception...02:18:10 Ch. 14: Taking Possession of the Promise...02:38:01 Ch. 15: Endorsing the Promise...02:47:12 Ch. 16: God’s Provision for the Journey...02:53:03 Ch. 17: Searching Out the Promise...03:05:27 Ch. 18: The Timing of the Promise...03:20:08 Ch. 19: The Seal of the Holy Spirit...03:31:58 Ch. 20: The Lord Jesus Christ and the Promises...03:40:51 ALSO AVAILABLE AS... ● Audible edition, free trial or buy: ● Paperback on Amazon: ● Paperback on ChristianBook: ● Free eBook on Amazon: ● Free eBook on other popular eBook sites: ♥ Support books like these being sent to prisons and third-world countries: