Abortion as defined by Harvard Health Publishing from Harvard Medical School is "https://www.health.harvard.edu/medical-tests-and-procedures/abortion-termination-of-pregnancy-a-to-z the removal of pregnancy tissue, product of conception or the fetus and placenta (afterbirth) from the uterus.
Pro Choice refers to those who do not want to ban every form of abortion. This category includes Christian Infernalist Lake Of Fire, Christian Universalist Em, Christian Infernnanihilationist website www.jesus-saves-all.com, Christian Universalist Oliver, Christian Infernannihilationists Jaysa, Loran, Iesua, Okuu and all the others in the JSA system, Christian Universalist Oratio, etc.
Pro Life refers to those who wish to ban every form of abortion. This includes Christian Universalist site GodRules.net, Christian Universalist Gary Amirault, Christian Universalist Jabcat, Christian Universalist group Tentmaker.org, Christian Infernalist David J. Stewart, Christian Infernalist website www.jesus-is-savior.com.